Anonymization of personal information in surveillance footage, video, documents, images


The client will get access to the latest artificial intelligence-based data anonymization technology for video/text data/medical images - selection of components based on the client's needs. Preparation of the environment for data anonymization, training and technical support. Service is provided on a 1-install basis for a period of six months.

The service is delivered by certified experts and expert teams specializing in machine learning, artificial intelligence and data engineering. Knowledge backed by practical design, implementation and consulting experience in computer vision, natural language processing and numerical data. A dedicated data anonymization solution based on private label artificial intelligence algorithms will be used.

Choose your option. As a result of providing the service, the client receives a summary of the meeting, a plan of the next activities – a professionally prepared feedback to the company, prepared on a standardized information sheet. Systematization and standardization of expectations, opportunities and challenges, identification and review of expectations, opportunities and challenges.
Your services... choose now.
Lite 25500 PLN For one unit
Plan includes
The service consists of: - a workshop with the customer and definition of requirements for data anonymization, - implementation of the tool on the client\'s server/cloud, - training, - technical support.