Access the logistics innovation platform

Łukasiewicz - Poznań Institute of Technology

For the last 20 years we have been running one of the first and most respected logistics portals in the Polish Internet - a trusted source of information in Poland, successively extended with new functionalities.
We want to develop a modern multimedia innovation platform, containing articles, legal advice, expert podcasts, reports, implementations, experience exchange forum, interviews, trendbooks, market research - on the topic of modern logistics (smart Logistics).
Using this multimedia innovation platform, the client will receive access to valuable expert, training, instructional and guidance materials, supporting the development of the company. The innovation platform will be created within 12 months from the start of implementation work. In the early period after its launch we will offer access to the knowledge collected on it for a period of 36 months.

Choose your option. As a result of providing the service, the client receives a summary of the meeting, a plan of the next activities – a professionally prepared feedback to the company, prepared on a standardized information sheet. Systematization and standardization of expectations, opportunities and challenges, identification and review of expectations, opportunities and challenges.
Your services... choose now.
Lite 1000 PLN For one unit
Plan includes
Using this multimedia innovation platform, the client will receive access to valuable expert, training, instructional and guidance materials, supporting the development of the company.