On-line training ”Implementing e-Invoicing”

Łukasiewicz - Poznań Institute of Technology

We coordinated the creation of the Platform of Electronic Invoicing (efaktura.gov.pl), a free public tool for sending e-invoices. It can be used by all entrepreneurs and public administration offices. We have trained over 4000 people on how to streamline e-invoicing processes. During our training we show how to implement e-invoicing in the organization to improve the processes related to the execution of payments.
We start with diagnosing customer needs. We discuss current invoicing models and planned changes. On this basis, we prepare a training programme, including information about the rules of operation of the Electronic Invoicing Platform - PEF (efaktura.gov.pl) and available forms of using this tool. We create a plan for implementing e-invoicing in a particular organization.
The training service may be a closed-door training dedicated to a specific institution/company or a training for representatives of several organizations.
After completing the training, your employees will:
- know what e-invoicing is (e-invoice is not PDF),
- understand the benefits of electronic data interchange (EDI) for the company and the institution,
- know how to save money and resources by streamlining your invoicing processes,
- be able to create an account on the Electronic Invoicing Platform (PEF),
- know how to use basic services available on PEF,
- Additional value of the training is the exchange of experience and learning about the use of e-invoicing in other organizations.
The training is provided in an online format using the Clickmeeting tool and additional online tools that facilitate education.

Choose your option. As a result of providing the service, the client receives a summary of the meeting, a plan of the next activities – a professionally prepared feedback to the company, prepared on a standardized information sheet. Systematization and standardization of expectations, opportunities and challenges, identification and review of expectations, opportunities and challenges.
Your services... choose now.
Lite 15000 PLN For one unit
Plan includes
During our training we show how to implement e-invoicing in the organization to improve the processes related to the execution of payments.